Source code for shapevolve.samples

"""Some sample methods to show the functionality of the module."""

import cv2

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from shapevolve import callbacks
from shapevolve.adjusters import STRONG_DARK_ADJUSTER
from shapevolve.drawers import add_square
from shapevolve.error_metrics import structural_similarity_error
from shapevolve.evolver import Evolver
from shapevolve.genome import load_genome
from shapevolve.preprocessors import contrast_preprocess, saturate_preprocess, smooth_preprocess
from shapevolve.utils import get_image_path, get_image

MONALISA = get_image_path("monalisa.jpg", IMAGE_DIRECTORY)
PEARLEARRING = get_image_path("pearlearring.jpg", IMAGE_DIRECTORY)
STARRYNIGHT = get_image_path("starrynight.png", IMAGE_DIRECTORY)
GREATWAVE = get_image_path("greatwave.jpg", IMAGE_DIRECTORY)

[docs]def standard_sample(filepath): """A standard sample function that illustrates how to use the module. :param filepath: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath)) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def adjustment_sample(filepath): """A sample function that illustrates how to use adjusters. :param filepath: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath), adjusters=[STRONG_DARK_ADJUSTER]) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def preprocess_sample(filepath): """A sample function that illustrates how to use preprocesses. :param filepath: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath), preprocesses=[saturate_preprocess, contrast_preprocess, smooth_preprocess]) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def error_metric_sample(filepath): """A sample function that illustrates how to use custom error metrics. :param filepath: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath), calculate_error=structural_similarity_error) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def draw_shape_sample(filepath): """A sample function that illustrates how to use custom shape drawing methods. :param filepath: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath), draw=add_square) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def save_genome_sample(filepath_source, filepath_to_save_to): """A sample function that illustrates how to save genomes. :param filepath_source: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath_source: str :param filepath_to_save_to: The filepath to save the genome. :type filepath_to_save_to: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath_source)) genome = evolver.evolve() genome.save_genome(filepath_to_save_to) return genome
[docs]def load_genome_sample(filepath_source, filepath_genome): """A sample function that illustrates how to load previously saved genomes. :param filepath_source: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath_source: str :param filepath_genome: The filepath to load the pre-evolved genome. :type filepath_genome: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath_source), saved_genome=load_genome(filepath_genome)) return evolver.evolve()
[docs]def save_image_sample(filepath_source, filepath_to_save_to): """A sample function that illustrates how to save images from genomes. :param filepath_source: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath_source: str :param filepath_to_save_to: The filepath to save the evolved image to. :type filepath_to_save_to: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath_source)) genome = evolver.evolve() image = genome.render_scaled_image() cv2.imwrite(filepath_to_save_to, image) return genome
[docs]def callback_sample(filepath_source, filepath_csv): """A sample function that illustrates how to add callbacks to the evolve method. :param filepath_source: The absolute filepath of an input image. :type filepath_source: str :param filepath_csv: The filepath to save CSV statistics to. :type filepath_csv: str :return: The evolved genome. :rtype: Genome """ evolver = Evolver(get_image(filepath_source)) logger = callbacks.CSVLogger(filepath_csv) return evolver.evolve(callbacks=[callbacks.default_callback, logger.callback])