Source code for shapevolve.drawers

"""Defines functions that can be used to draw shapes on an image based on genetic information by the evolver class."""

import cv2

[docs]def add_circle(image, gene, palette): """Adds a circle to an image based on info from a gene. :param image: The base image to draw the circle on. :param gene: The gene that specifies how to draw the circle. :param palette: The color palette where colors are referenced from. :type image: ndarray :type gene: Gene :type palette: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] """ overlay = image.copy() overlay,, radius=gene.radius, color=palette[gene.color], thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA # add anti-aliasing ) draw_overlay(image, overlay, gene.alpha)
[docs]def add_square(image, gene, palette): """Adds a square to an image based on info from a gene. :param image: The base image to draw the square on. :param gene: The gene that specifies how to draw the square. :param palette: The color palette where colors are referenced from. :type image: ndarray :type gene: Gene :type palette: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] """ overlay = image.copy() point1 = ([0] - gene.radius,[1] - gene.radius) point2 = ([0] + gene.radius,[1] + gene.radius) cv2.rectangle( overlay, point1, point2, color=palette[gene.color], thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA ) draw_overlay(image, overlay, gene.alpha)
[docs]def draw_overlay(image, overlay, alpha): """Draws an overlay over an image at a specified alpha. :param image: The base image. :param overlay: The overlay image. :param alpha: The opacity, from 0 to 1. :type image: ndarray :type overlay: ndarray :type alpha: float """ cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, image, 1 - alpha, 0, image)