Source code for shapevolve.callbacks

"""Callbacks that can be given to the Evolver class, to be run when a successful change is applied to the genome."""

import csv

from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig

import cv2

from shapevolve.utils import show_image

_display = None

[docs]def default_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """The default callback that the Evolver class uses. Currently visual_callback. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ visual_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def visual_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A simple callback that uses matplotlib to provide a live update of the image on the screen. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ _visualize(best_image, genome.adjusters, changes)
[docs]def quiet_visual_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """The same thing as visual_callback, but this only runs every 50 generations. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % 50 == 0: visual_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def verbose_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that prints the status of the evolution into standard output. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ print(f"Total offspring: {offspring}") print(f"Total changes: {changes}") print(f"Total loop iterations: {loop_index}") print(f"Total mutation type switches: {num_mutation_type_switches}") print(f"Current error: {error}") extreme = "Yes" if complex_mutation else "No" print(f"Is currently in a complex mutation: {extreme}")
[docs]def quiet_verbose_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """The same thing as verbose_callback, but this only runs every 50 generations. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % 50 == 0: verbose_callback(offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome)
def _visualize(best_image, adjusters, changes): """Displays an updated image in a matplotlib window. :param best_image: The image to be displayed. :param adjusters: Adjusters to be reversed for the image. :param changes: The current generation number. :type best_image: ndarray :type adjusters: List[Dict[str, Callable]] :type changes: int """ global _display if _display is None: _display = show_image(best_image, changes, adjusters=adjusters) else: show_image(best_image, changes, display=_display, adjusters=adjusters)
[docs]class GenomeSaver: """A class that defines a callback where genomes are saved to files.""" def __init__(self, genome_root, frequency=1): """Constructs a genome saver class that takes a given root file path. :param genome_root: The file path where genomes should be saved. :param frequency: The frequency at which files will be saved. :type genome_root: str :type frequency: int """ self.root = genome_root self.frequency = frequency # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that saves genomes to a filepath. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % self.frequency == 0: genome.save_genome(self.root + f"_gen{changes:04d}.genome")
[docs]class CSVLogger: """A class that defines callbacks which record statistics into a CSV file.""" def __init__(self, csv_filepath, frequency=1): """A constructor for the class that stores a path to a CSV file. :param csv_filepath: The filepath of the CSV file that statistics will be written to. :param frequency: The frequency at which stats will be saved. :type csv_filepath: str :type frequency: int """ self.csv_filepath = csv_filepath self.frequency = frequency with open(csv_filepath, 'w', newline='') as file: # Write the headers for the CSV file. writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(["offspring", "generation", "loop_index", "error"]) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that stores offspring, generation, loop index, and error into the class's CSV file. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % self.frequency == 0: with open(self.csv_filepath, 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([offspring, changes, loop_index, error])
[docs]class ImageSaver: """A class that defines a callback where images built during evolution are saved.""" def __init__(self, image_root, frequency=1): """A constructor for the class that defines a root filepath for saved images. :param image_root: The root filepath for saved images. :param frequency: The frequency at which files will be saved. :type image_root: str :type frequency: int """ self.root = image_root self.frequency = frequency
[docs] def callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that saves the best image so far into a png file. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % self.frequency == 0: if not cv2.imwrite(self.root + f"_img{changes:04d}.png", best_image): raise FileNotFoundError("The path given to ImageSaver was not valid.")
[docs]class HighQualityImageSaver(ImageSaver): """A subclass of ImageSaver that scales images to the original resolution before saving them."""
[docs] def callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that scales an image before providing it to the equivalent method in ImageSaver. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ image = genome.render_scaled_image() ImageSaver.callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, image, genome)
[docs]class MatplotImageSaver(ImageSaver): """A class that defines a callback where images shown by matplotlib during evolution are saved. Must be used with a variant of visual_callback in the same list."""
[docs] def callback(self, offspring, changes, loop_index, num_mutation_type_switches, error, complex_mutation, best_image, genome): """A callback that saves the best image so far into a png file. :param offspring: The total number of offspring already processed. :param changes: The total number of changes already applied to the genome. :param loop_index: The total number of loops already performed. :param num_mutation_type_switches: The total number of switches between simple and complex mutations so far. :param error: The error of the current genome compared to the base image. :param complex_mutation: Whether complex mutations are being applied or not. :param best_image: The best image so far. :param genome: The genome for the best image so far. :type offspring: int :type changes: int :type loop_index: int :type num_mutation_type_switches: int :type error: float :type complex_mutation: bool :type best_image: ndarray :type genome: Genome """ if changes % self.frequency == 0: savefig(self.root + f"_fig{changes:04d}.png")